Sunday, 22 December 2013


‘Full English’ Review

You know the feeling. You wake up after a night out, mouth dry, head spinning, clothes missing (or is that just me?) and all you really want is a full English breakfast. If you’re going out on Christmas Eve, that’s exactly what you’ll get on the following morning, except it won’t be served up by the Greek fella with a wonky eye from the greasy cafe down the road. On this occasion, the chefs are Danny Graft, Jonny Dutch and Scotty Stacks (they sound like Marvel characters, I know) and together they form The Manor.

Full English is the name of their third mixtape and it will be on your desktops on Christmas day. Downloading it really ought to be the first thing you do because, let’s face it, there’s only so many renditions of Wizard, Slade and tedious Channel 4 countdowns you can sit through before its predictability drives you to downing rather than sipping your mug of mediocre mulled wine. Consider this CD a present from everyone at The Manor, a gift, a god-send, something to indulge in while you’re waiting for Only Fools and Horses to come on BBC1.

As someone who has been an observer and admirer of The Manor’s work from their very first mixtape, I can honestly say that this latest edition, Full English, is an accurate representation of their evolution and development as well as their maturity as recording artists. There’s always been an overwhelming dose of originality and creativity in their music; the way it’s presented and produced, the humour, the light-hearted skits and even the visuals. One theme resonates throughout their projects and that is the realness and the ability for everyone to relate. Don’t expect guns, drugs and tales of terror; leave that to Denzel and De Niro. The tunes you will hear are a portrayal of events and emotions experienced by three boys who live on the border of the city and the ‘burbs, from nights out (good ones, mad ones, sh*t ones) and lads holidays abroad to relationships, romances, and the trials and tribulations of working class people. There’s a refreshing feel-good factor about this mixtape, a sensation of relief as you realise that among the heaps of bullsh*t you get thrown down your ear-holes on the radio – there still exists a small tribe of people who make good, honest music.     

The melodies, the punch-lines, the authenticity of the beats are evident throughout and blend together to create The Manor’s unique and instantly distinguishable identity. There’s also a subtle air of nostalgia sewn into the songs, the skits add to it too, and this is the reason why I am confident that any listener regardless of their age will enjoy a listen. Songs like ‘Shut Your Mouth’ and ‘Swings and Roundabouts’ inject a more aggressive tone to proceedings but it’s still not overly exaggerated or glorified beyond the realms of reality. These really are well-thought out, immaculately put together pieces of music and they just keep getting better and better with each mixtape.

Don’t take my word for it, head over to and download Full English as well as their previous two mixtapes if you haven’t heard them, they receive my strongest recommendation.

Merry Christmas!

Follow @_TheManor

Words by @RikyBains1

Thursday, 8 August 2013

WATCH: Frisco - Are You? (Feat. Chip) #FUTURECLASSIC

Chip takes inspiration from the legendary track 'Are you really, really from the endz' by The Endz and Frisco takes inspiration from Skepta's post-2012 flow but either way this one is a future classic. Even the video with the throwback style slowmotion effects, sun-shining, hood setting, vests and white T's... all of this stuff combines to make something which made me smile when I watched it for the first time. Judging by the views, I'm not the only one - 100k views in 1 week is good going!

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Going Away With Your Boys This Summer? This One's For You...

Shout out to @_TheManor and @DannyGraft - captured the majority of the 'lads holiday' goers' feelings with this one...

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Find Out Which New York Rapper Changed His Name This Week...

It's kind of ironic and appropriate that Brooklyn's Uncle Murda changed his name to UM because I think that's what most people's initial reactions to it would be..
Will it work for him? Who knows. Do we pronounce it U.M. or UM as in Umbrella? Who knows.

That's about as deep and analytical as this article is going to get, here's some hard shit from Uncle M... (Uncle M would've been better than U.M. tbh)

Friday, 26 July 2013

Publicity Stunt or Not, DJ Khaled Proposing To Nicki Minaj is #Bitchmade

DJ Khaled, the famous rapper collaborator known for his ironic catchphrase 'We Da Best', has proposed to Nicki Minaj on MTV. Obviously this is a PR stunt, he's now trending, people are talking (including me) so well done on achieving that. BUT this doesn't change the fact that you're a punk for this, how you gonna do this to yourself?!

Monday, 22 July 2013

Is Black Skinheads The Worst Video Of All Time?

As One Direction release 'The Best Song Ever', Kanye West contributes with what I hope is a plea for irony, possibly the worst video ever...

Judge for yourself ->

To me it's a complete waste and abuse of artistic expression; it's forced art; nobody can honestly sit back and say they enjoyed watching what appears to be an animation created by a dyslexic foetus.

Monday, 15 July 2013

Why Jay Z Is... Just Different

Jay Z and JT’s performance was something like cabaret on crack with a snapback. After watching Nas completely own the stage and enforce the rawness of real rugged rhymes and hip hop, I was possessed by the question: How would Jay Z top that?

Nas gave the kind of performance which inevitably brought up comparisons between him and Jigga; you could catch the chitter chatter in the crowd too, the word Ether was overheard a few times. The respect he earned from a really culturally diverse crowd was admirable and the emotion he emulated was summed up when he whispered the last 8 bars of One Mic, sending shivers down the spines of every observer. Nas’ set was bare compared to the feast of bright red decor and the assortment of instrument players Jay Z had spread out for his performance. Jay Z had 3 hours to play with (shared with JT) while Nas was probably on for just under an hour. The drama, the theatre, the deliberately and perfectly prepared set-list was so fluid and took the Wireless Festival by storm. Yet he is just a rapper, right? He’s still just a man on stage with a microphone. But he’s just different. Jay Z doesn’t have sprint around the stage to lap up the attention or the excitement of the audience; he can stay in one spot and with one look of sincerity on the big screen could capture anybody’s mind.

The suave, cigar-smoking, sophisticated manner was complimented tremendously well by Justin Timberlake who looked like he was genuinely happy to just be there. Yes Nas earned respect but Jay Z earned a whole different level of human affection; the content of his music is so beautifully poised between commercially acceptable and down-to-earth realness that he leaves little room for anyone to dislike it. That’s the difference. With Nas you’re only really going to appreciate it if you’re a true hip hop head who knows about the classics of decades past. Jay Z’s music surpasses any genre, it levitates above any language barriers and tenderly twists any criticism for the culture into favourable praise. It’s not unusual to hear someone say ‘Well I don’t really like rap or hip hop but I’m a Jay Z fan’. That doesn’t mean Jay Z doesn’t create hip hop or isn’t a rapper, it simply means he has positioned himself so pin-pointedly precisely in the market that what he creates is too complex to put into a category or a box and therefore it appeals en masse. There’s an element of humility to his branding and his presence on stage; he didn’t come dressed in a gold encrusted curtain or a towel like I envisaged Kanye may have done. His attire was classic hip hop; plain white T shirt, black bottoms, white trainers and a cap on back to front. He did wear a tuxedo for ‘Suit and Tie’ but that was obviously in parallel with the song and the way he wore it slightly untidily as if to say ‘I ain’t really comfortable in this but i’ll give it a go’.

The other day I made a comment that Jay Z would have been crowned the GOAT (Greatest of All Time) a long time ago if he had more aggressive content in his lyrics. After last night’s performance and taking some time to reflect I think I would like to alter my opinion. It’s in fact the choice that Sean Carter made to not focus on the negative or illegal portion of his life which enabled him to strive and survive in this treacherous terrain they call the music business. There are allusions and references to drug dealing and life in Brooklyn scattered across his music but it is rarely the centre-piece, they are simply quick reminders of where he came from. Jay Z just thinks differently, he can draw darkness on a piece of music more artistically, more cinematically without the need to explicitly explore it through words. I don’t think that necessarily means he is holding back, I just feel that he thinks by taking more of a painter’s approach to negativity he can benefit himself as well as the art form. It is this pure brilliance and artistic intelligence combined with a funky, positive and bouncy outlook on life which makes him a household name and which makes people view him as a friend. That sounds strange but I really do think his fans see him as a friend and that is for a multitude of reasons. One is that he steers away from ‘gangsta’ material which increases his longevity and loyalty because his content becomes more relatable and relevant to broader society.

Listening to Jay Z’s music today I was trying to figure out the solution to a frustratingly simple question: ‘What does Jay Z rap about?’ . The answer I came up with is nothing. There is no definition, there’s no box or title to pin him to, there’s no colour or flavour you can attach to the man’s art. He’s somewhat like the white noise when your TV aerial breaks down. Somewhere hidden in that is a compliment and somewhere hidden in the brain of Sean Carter there’s a recipe for his success or on his bookshelf a ‘Guide to Being Jay Z for Dummies’. We can either keep second-guessing, we can hate on his success or we can throw our diamonds up and chant Hova; I know what I’m doing. I’ll see you on tour Mr Z.

Written by Riky Bains [@RikyBains1]

Sunday, 24 March 2013

THE TRUTH: Jodeci Get the Blame For Wembley Shame

23rd March at Wembley Arena in London, a time machine was put on stage and 11,000 people were transported back to the 90's. The music was fantastic, the vibe was electric and nostalgic. The hosts Eddie Kadi and Choice FM's Jigs were impeccable - a real testament to British entertainment.

If you didn't go you'll also hear about the great disappointment which was the long-awaited, much anticipated arrival of Jodeci. They came on stage to rapturous applause which turned into open-mouthed shock as one of the members simply fell off the stage, arse first... ouch!

There was no real structure or togetherness about them, there was almost an element of 'We're Jodeci, this is what you're here for, you'll love us regardless of our efforts'. What they didn't realise was that the acts before them put in the most stunning performance of their lives; and made it a night to remember.

Many took to Twitter and other social media to mock, as the British love to do, the failings of the once dominant R&B group. People left in their droves and booed on their way out to head to the tube at around 23:45.

I took to Twitter to simply ask KCI & JoJo to sort out whatever issues they have for the fans' sake.

I feel like it is important that all of the disappointed and heartbroken people are aware that there is possible more than meets the eye with this story. Excuse the pun but, one needs to see the bigger picture to understand that its very easy to turn all tabloid and start labelling the group has-beens and crackheads. People often find the crash of a giant more entertaining than it's stability. Humans love to break down something they helped build a long time ago, it's a part of our nature to play God but on this occassion, there were other factors at play. I certainly feel a lot better about the situation than I did immediately afterwards. It's up to you, you pay your money you make your opinion - How Do You Want It?

Saturday, 23 February 2013

J Spades - Rap Game .... He's back with a banger!

Big Spades is back with this new banger from MMMP2..... Can't wait for the release!

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Financial Freedom - 50 Cent

The biggest move 50 has made in 2013 is releasing this video, it's the stamp, the kick in the ass, the petrol in the tank to his 'revival'... even though he never really fell off, you guys just looked elsewhere...

Monday, 14 January 2013


Remind me of some 2005 sh*t! JT is back and Jigga's bars did the tune justice too, love this one.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

K Koke's Best Freestyle Since THAT One

The Fire in the Booth is the champion of K Koke's freestyles obviously but here's one that comes close. Recorded on DJ MK & Shortee Blitz's show on Kiss 100.