Monday, 14 November 2016

Review: Weak Days, Strong Nights - The Manor (@_TheManor)

Growth is the word that comes to mind when I listen to this new EP. Musical maturity is reached by few and it is even more rare among those who haven't even broken through yet. This EP has just 5 tracks with one of them being a slight remix from their previous album. So really that is 4 new songs which this group is asking money for. And quite rightly!

It takes a certain degree of confidence and self-awareness to release a project with just 4 new tracks and ask for money in exchange. But this is how loyal The Manor's following is and this is how pure and plausible their music is. This is the kind of group whose fans purchase their material before they've even heard it. Show me another artist who isn't a superstar which commands that kind of respect from an audience.

Okay, so it's a small audience at the moment but that's relative. When they performed at Camden the other week, it was sold out very quickly. The show itself was explosive with the trio demonstrating all the experience and know-how from a group which has countless successful gigs under its belt. Then they took to Camden High Street with a publicity stunt which drew them a minor but meaningful media attention the following morning. It is little things like this which add teaspoons of gunpowder to an already simmering keg of momentum and cult-ness.

 My favourite track is We Love It with The Reducer coming a close second. The Reducer is the song to fling on in the rave and I feel is a crowd hyper-upper just like Alors En Graft is. The crazy thing is that there are millions of people in the UK who can identify with the lyrics The Manor consistently throw out and there is an equivalent quantity who would enjoy the tongue-in-cheek, throwback beats and everyday-fella vibe.

The potential for these guys is massive. They have been helped so much by their loyal foundation supporters but there are so many more aspects and assets which bring value to the overall package. The charisma, the characters, the videos, the behind the scenes banter, the front of scene banter, the sheer lyricism, the courage to mix old school with new and the down-to-earth exterior - these are just a handful of items on the menu which make the Manor a force to be reckoned with and a force which I am behind, forever.

Purchase 'Weak Days, Strong Nights' here for just £2.99 -